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Thanks for the comments Brandon & Luke!


I totally had an experience similar to this! It was my sophomore year at Grand Valley and I was leaving for class while it was pouring. I walked out of my dorm and opened my umbrella, only to have it break in the wind. I had to walk to the opposite end of campus and I got soaked! I then had to sit through two and a half straight hours of lectures. Absolutely miserable! haha


this is pure gold! i'm especially amused at your screen name (clever!) and your current mood!

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What's this all about?

  • Our name is twofold. “Able” meaning capable. There are four of us with disabilities - visible and hidden. Assumptions from others perceive us as not being capable of carrying out a "normal" life. But the fact is having disabilities gives us more desire to be willing and able. “Bodies” because we all have our own, and also part of a larger human body. Able and Bodies together speaks to each of us individually. We are willing, able and VERY capable of achieving whatever our mind is set toward. When the four of us are together, the feeling is amplified.